Healing Yourself with Relationship Renegades Rachele Brooke Smith & Emilio Palafox


“Life is like the ocean; there are always going to be waves, you just need to learn how to surf.”


There is only 1 person that is with you from the day you are born until the day you depart for the great beyond.

They are there for you through every lesson, every heartbreak, your trials & your triumphs, your highest highs, lowest lows, and every moment in between.

Can you guess who it is? It's YOU!

My guests on the Flourish or Fold podcast this week are Emilio Palafox & Rachele Brooke Smith of Relationship Renegades, which offers outstanding workshops, courses, and programs on living, loving, and wellness!

So often, we look for love, understanding, and even healing outside of ourselves. But before we can seek to be understood by others, we must first understand ourselves.

I feel this episode is going to be one of your favorites (it's certainly one of mine!)

On the episode, we talk about:

  • Why cultivating a healthy relationship with yourself can help to build a better relationship with others (5:29)

  • How trauma-bonding works (9:37)

  • How Emilio navigated out of his savior complex (19:18)

  • How Rachele learned confidence from her time in gymnastics (30:14)

  • How to heal over time through your work (37:27)

  • Why triggers can be gifts (48:18)

  • How we can learn from understanding our brain better (57:33)

About Our Guests

Rachele Brooke Smith is an actress, host, coach, best-selling author, and motivational speaker seen frequently on Hollywood screens, modeling for major brands, and motivating fans around the world.

​After playing the lead in the sequel to the film that changed her life as a little girl (Center Stage) and literally doing what everyone told her was impossible, Rachele is on a mission to empower others with her “HERO GENERATION” movement to create #HeroHabits, disrupt doubt, and become the hero of their own life story.​

In addition, Rachele and her partner, Emilio Palafox, co-created their media company, Relationship Renegades, and co-host one of the best new relationship radio shows, Relationship Renegades. Their mission is to help people learn how to “FIND THEMSELVES & THEIR DREAM PARTNER” and co-create a world where healthy relationships are the new norm.​

You can Listen to Relationship Renegades Radio show everyone week on Fun For Life Radio Channel on Dash Radio (16 million subscribers).

Find Our Guests hanging out on these platforms:



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Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal

Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal is one of the leading authorities on Resilience Leadership.  Her work is resonating throughout the Fortune 500.  As she describes it, "We are a world in which our human experience is defined by facing challenge, change, and complexity on an order of magnitude to which prior generations have not been exposed. The concept of resilience is built on the very ideology that we have the capacity to face hard things: trauma, loss, misfortune, and the like, and come out on the other side; not diminished, but instead, enhanced."


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