Learning True Grit and Grace with Coach Amberly Lago


“If we can get out of our ego, and be of service, that’s where the magic happens.”


Few people embody resilience the way best-selling author, keynote speaker, fellow podcast host, health coach, and my dear friend Amberly Lago does. I was so honored & excited to have her as one of my very first guests on the Flourish or Fold podcast, as I know her story of grit, grace, and triumph will resonate with so many of you, as it does with me.

Amberly's resilience story is one of true strength. She is living proof that there is light & opportunity hidden within every challenge, if only we are willing to look.

As usual, she brought oodles of insight, wisdom, and inspiration to the table, but there was something, in particular, we spoke about that really stuck with me.

Amberly spoke about some of the darkest moments in her journey, particularly when she had begun drinking heavily to cope with the physical & emotional trauma in the weeks & months following the accident that almost claimed her leg and her life. And then she said; "I think that any transformation, any successful journey, begins with acceptance."

What a beautiful mindset. Only once we can be honest with ourselves, and accept where we are in our journey, can true transformation begin. I know you will enjoy this incredible episode and getting to know fellow resilience queen, Amberly Lago.

On the episode, we talk about:

  • How to cultivate abundance (6:31)

  • How valuable it is to have vulnerable conversations in resiliency (15:27)

  • How important community is to facing the messiness of life (25:12)

  • What first steps to take in practicing vulnerability (31:18)

  • The power in recognizing we have choice (41:52)

  • How the PACER method can help with motivation (48:29)

Resources referenced in this podcast episode: 

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About Amberly Lago:

Amberly Lago is a health and wellness coach, TEDx speaker, podcaster, and a leading expert in the field of resilience and transformation. She is the best-selling author of “True Grit and Grace” and empowers people around the world by sharing her story how she turned a tragedy into triumph.

Through her book, coaching methods, and workshops she has curated unique tools to teach others how to tap into their superpower of resilience and persevere through any of life’s challenges.  She offers hope and solutions for anyone (like her) living in chronic pain to live life to the fullest. Amberly has most recently been featured on NBC’s The Today Show, The Doctors, Hallmark, and contributed to magazines such as Shape, Fit Pregnancy, Health, Keynote Speaker Magazine, and Disability Magazine. 




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Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal

Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal is one of the leading authorities on Resilience Leadership.  Her work is resonating throughout the Fortune 500.  As she describes it, "We are a world in which our human experience is defined by facing challenge, change, and complexity on an order of magnitude to which prior generations have not been exposed. The concept of resilience is built on the very ideology that we have the capacity to face hard things: trauma, loss, misfortune, and the like, and come out on the other side; not diminished, but instead, enhanced."


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