The 20/20 Perspective


How do people access resilience in their day to day life? We asked a Chief Resilience Officer who has over a decade of empirical research to answer that question.


Having faced difficulty, resilient leaders and people can be inoculated against fear and the perceived repercussions of failure, allowing them to see hope instead of hindrance, and possibility instead of problems.

It’s an age old take, coming back after failure, and standing up one more time than we fall down. But now, it has a name – Adversity Quotient (AQ): The inability to be deterred by failure. Perhaps it’s not IQ or EQ, but the ability to persevere, despite the odds, to acknowledge fear, setbacks, and failure, and forge onward. This is the stuff of true success.

On this episode, Dr. Taryn Marie, Founder & Chief Resilience Officer of Resilience Leadership Institute, sits down to talk with us about the power of possibility in the face of failure, which is one of The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People, the evidence-based framework that she gave birth to after a decade’s worth of research on resilience.

You can now gain access to over a decade’s worth of resilience research in a comprehensive course, Flourish or Fold: Learn The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People, launching early 2021! Please join Dr. Taryn Marie as we continue to develop your ability to navigate changes, challenges, and complexities, as you absorb practical lessons from an empirically-based framework that has been able to take people from feeling stuck and diminished to strong and enhanced.


The Fearless Year


Tough Talks w/ Chris Dorris