Hell Yes Life


Hell Yes Lifers, today my guest on the podcast is Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal.

Taryn is the author of “Flourish or Fold: The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People”, which is expected to release as a book in 2020.

She is the former Head of Executive Leadership Development at Nike, Global Leadership Development at Cigna, and founded her own company, Resilience Leadership, where she serves as the Chief Resilience Officer (CRO).

Her research and thought leadership have been showcased in publications such as Thrive Global, and Women’s Daily Magazine, Medium, on television broadcasts, such as NBC, and for apps such as Happify and eMindful.

On the podcast, we discuss the five practices of resilient people and how we can use these practices during this particularly challenging time.

Connect with Dr. Taryn:



We Will Get Through This